cathode-ray tube / ˈkæθ oʊdˌreɪ /


cathode-ray tube 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a vacuum tube generating a focused beam of electrons that can be deflected by electric fields, magnetic fields, or both. The terminus of the beam is visible as a spot or line of luminescence caused by its impinging on a sensitized screen at one end of the tube. Cathode-ray tubes were formerly commonly used to study the shapes of electric waves, to reproduce images in television receivers, to display alphanumeric and graphical information on computer monitors, as an indicator in radar sets, etc. Abbreviation: CRT

cathode-ray tube 近义词

cathode-ray tube

等同于 picture tube

cathode-ray tube 的近义词 2

更多cathode-ray tube例句

  1. Safe Kids Worldwide recommends placing large, old-fashioned cathode-ray tube TVs on low, stable pieces of furniture or removing them from the house completely.
  2. "He brought Ray Charles to the mix as an influence on rock & roll," E Street Band guitarist Steven Van Zandt once raved.
  3. An x-ray two hours later confirms my hunch: my tibia (the big bone behind the shin) is snapped clean in two.
  4. This is admittedly a loaded question, but do you feel James Earl Ray really killed Martin Luther King Jr.?
  5. Thanks to CompStat and strategies added by Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, crime continued to decline.
  6. I have been a Ray Harryhausen fan since I was six or seven years old.
  7. Drone: the largest tube of a bag-pipe, giving forth a dull heavy tone.
  8. Should the vapor not condense well, the test-tube may be immersed in a glass of cold water.
  9. A ray of Consciousness is passed over that impression and you re-read it, you re-awaken the record.
  10. For comparison, the gas may be passed through a test-tube containing an equal amount of distilled water.
  11. At once cover the mouth of the tube with a filter-paper cap moistened with saturated aqueous solution of silver nitrate (1:1).